Wednesday, June 18, 2008


For a very draft version of EXP 3, click here:


For draft 2, click here:


For a final version of my EXP 3 submission, click here:


Don't forget to fire at the elevators to make them move initially!! I did this, just in case you jumped down(as i have done) then need to get back up..(as then you can just shoot it and it will come to you!)

Have a good holiday everyone, especially you Tam, you lucky thing overseas!! :-)


To trigger the movement of the elevators, please fire a shot at them. You can do this when you stand in them. This starts the movement. After this, they continue doing loops, so you just have to be patient if you want to return in them!! Thanks!!

Google Warehouse

My elevator, table and chairs have been uploaded to the 3D Warehouse, tagged with EXP 3, ARCH 1101, 2008, Daina Labutis...!!


you can find it HERE!!!


ABOVE: The meeting space is large, resembling the combination of the powers coming together and collaborating.

ABOVE: Part of Zhang's space reflects the turns and hardships in the process of building up a global company, the twists of the 'wall' portray the dead-ends as well as continuous paths that are possible.

BELOW: Looking back at the meeting space and Zhang's area from Versace's elevator creates a sense of being overwhelmed by the large scale of these objects. This also emphasises the tension between the clients as they come together as they contrast in personality, industry and ideas. A practical woman focused on renewing paper and fixing a shortage, a woman who worked initially with few people to achieve a global industry and power in contrast to a woman who inherited her power but achieves as much through new creative productions.
As the elevator brings Versace closer to the meeting space, it becomes less overwhelmings, yet the tension still remains through the numerous uneven shapes and slabs.

ABOVE: Looking down onto the lower level of Versace's space. The purple light reflects my thoughts on her being in the fashion industry, designing colourful arrangements. The camera angle reflects her control over the business.

Final Table and Chairs

Above is the elevator for Versace as seen in UT. I chose a tinted glass, allowing for a vast view of the other spaces during movement, the colour complementing Versace and her productions.

Below is Zhang's elevator as seen in UT, textured with plain stonework, reflecting the straightforward nature of her recycling company.

The avatar from UT fits perfectly in the seats, contrasting to the large scale of the rest of the map. This creates comfort in the meeting space. Zhang's chair (on the left hand side) is symbolic of a throne, as she is the "Queen of Trash", yet it does not overpower the chair of Versace. Versace's has more of a creative flair to it, like a designer dress, yet is comfortably large. Both clients are on an equal level within this space, regardless of their business size, income and wealth.

My previous table would not import into UT 2004, so I ended up making a new one, which I actually ended up liking more..

Here the table is situated as it would be in the meeting situation with Zhang's chair on the left hand side, and Versace's chair on the right hand side.

This is the top view of the table without chairs. The box like, geometric structure is Zhang's end of the table, the fluid, curving end, Versace's.

This is the base of the table.

Marking Schemes

Wk12 Review:
Wk 11 Review:

The marking schedules I completed for weeks 11 and 12. If your work is here, keep in mind the marks were for when I marked them(previously), so if it seems low, that would be why, especially if your work was missing outputs...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Elevator - Zhang

This is the elevator for Zhang Yin. It is fairly straightforward (although not quite the same design I was attempting to create in sketchup...) in its simplicity although is not similiar to conventional lifts. Its geometry relates to the industry she is involved in (paper and recycling), the straight lines and rectangles representing this and the curves portraying the idea of the cyclical process of recycling and renewing the old.

Elevator - Versace and Table Draft

The first two images are of my draft table, top and base. Each end portrays an idea about Zhang and Versace and what their passion is. Versace's end is curved and graceful, connected with the idea of materials draping over objects as they fall.. Zhang's end is geometric, hard and sharp, practical as a table as is her recycling business.

Front View of Versace elevator.

This is my elevator for Versace, the circular like enclosure symbolic of continuity, the curves representing delicacy and attention to detail. Fashion design is a continuous process of new ideas and designs and of course attention to detail is important for many reasons.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Further development of EXP 3

This is a view from part of the meeting space looking back up at Zhang's office space.
This image depicts the opposite view of the above, Zhang's view of the meeting space. The uneven stairway to the lower level of Zhang's space adds to the idea of tension between the two clients of powerful positions coming together as the meeting area is easily visible from much of her office area.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


What I have learnt that has helped me most so far in Design has been to consistently refer to others in the course, collaborating your ideas and knowledge. No, I don't necessarily mean to copy ideas, (but sometimes this is where inspiration grows), but to share tips and the like. Our tutor, Tam, paired us off and we had to take turns at directing our partner in creating someone's sketch. In doing so, many of us discovered new tools and shortcuts/hotkeys that have come in handy and saved a heap of time.. Doing things like this not only builds relationships but encourages you in your work and helps everyone through new concepts!! :-)

Conceptual Ideas

I have been thinking more deeply about connection between space and clients.. This has been something that I feel has been lacking from my previous experiments. So far, I have struggled with the internal space, not really knowing how to finish it off.. I am more comfortable with this last assignment in being able to relate the spaces and clients more closely together. With this experiment, I have been a little more risky with some ideas, allowing practicality as well as a creative twist that relates to each client.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Elevator test

Finally got my elevator to show up.. however, when I added a mover, I ended up with two lots of elevators, I don't think I right clicked it.. so will work that out very soon. And.. I forgot to delete sketchup man, so will have to change that.. Even though I scaled my elevator to a man's height, compared to my map needs to be heaps bigger to match the 'power' scale of the rest of my map. I got it moving to my first point, but forgot the set the properties and the keynum and the rest..