Wednesday, June 18, 2008


ABOVE: The meeting space is large, resembling the combination of the powers coming together and collaborating.

ABOVE: Part of Zhang's space reflects the turns and hardships in the process of building up a global company, the twists of the 'wall' portray the dead-ends as well as continuous paths that are possible.

BELOW: Looking back at the meeting space and Zhang's area from Versace's elevator creates a sense of being overwhelmed by the large scale of these objects. This also emphasises the tension between the clients as they come together as they contrast in personality, industry and ideas. A practical woman focused on renewing paper and fixing a shortage, a woman who worked initially with few people to achieve a global industry and power in contrast to a woman who inherited her power but achieves as much through new creative productions.
As the elevator brings Versace closer to the meeting space, it becomes less overwhelmings, yet the tension still remains through the numerous uneven shapes and slabs.

ABOVE: Looking down onto the lower level of Versace's space. The purple light reflects my thoughts on her being in the fashion industry, designing colourful arrangements. The camera angle reflects her control over the business.

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